Wall of Honor This is for all of our OUTLAW members who are serving now or who have been Honorably Discharged from the armed forces. No matter which country you served in! We would like to take the tile to say thank for all of your heroism. For if it wasn't for you, we would not be enjoying ourselves today. Thank you! America CountyCoroner Corporal, U.S.M.C. 1988-1992 (Honorable Discharge) Razor7806 Airman 1st.class, U.S.A.F. 1996-1999 (Honorable Discharge) LedMagnet Senior Airman E4, U.S.A.F. 1990-1994 (Honorable Discharge) Eastwood Avionics Systems Specialist F16, U.S.A.F. 1993-1997 & Avionics Systems Specialist F15, Louisiana Air National Guard 1997-2006 (Honorable Discharge) Carpe Diem Corporal U.S.M.C. Amphibious assault 2nd Batallion 1994-1997 (Honorable Discharge) Vandelay RM2(SS) Submarine Radioman E5 U.S.Navy 1988-1995 (Honorable Discharge) GI Joe MSgt Aviation Mechanic USAF 1983-2009 (26 years retired) EColi SSG Medical Laboratory Technician US Army 1987-2000 & SSG Computer Repair tech US Army 2000-2007 & Expert Field Medical Badge (20 years retired) Bababooey Aircraft Mechanic USMC 1984-1990 (Honorable Discharge) ParaTrooper MSgt Paratrooper Jump Master Instructor US Army national Guard/Military Intelligence 1984-present Rooster Commander O-5 Aviator US Navy 10 years active, 11 years inactive 1990-present Bogart 31v10 tactival Communication Operator/Mechanic US Army 1986-1989 (Honorable Discharge) Pervis Capt. WSO-F11 A/E USAF 1983-1988 (Honorable Discharge) Zeig 21B Combat Engineer rank O2 US Army National Guard 1991-1998 (Honorable Discharge) & 1998-2003 IRR US Army National Guard Night_Flier Avionics Technician Presidential Helicopter Squadron 1981-1985 (Honorable Discharge) AloneGunman 1969-1975 Army national guard combat Engineers. 1981-1992 US Army Reservers 19 Delta Cavalry Scout. 1984-1992 Drilll Sergeant. 1992-1996 Military Police 95th Division, 2nd Batalion MP (Honorable Discharge) Retired 23 years Service. Retired Master Sergeant Fritz US Navy ETN3 Special Operations 1972-1978 (Honorable Discharge) Deathsfriend US Army Specialist 25B Information Specialist 2009-2015 (Honorable Discharge) United Kingdom RAFPlumBOB Marine Engineering Machanic 1st Class Royal Navy 1975-1979 (Honorable Discharge) & Sgt Engineering Technician Weapons Royal Air Force 1982-2006 (Honorable Discharge) Germany BIGmike Private 1st Class Luftwaffe (German Airforce) Airforce Mechanic March 2001 - December 2001(Honorable Discharge) Bulgaria Scandalous Guard, Army Engineers 1997-1998 (Honorable Discharge) France Tarzan O.T.A.N Sergent 1988-1989 2ieme D.O.D.C. 1989-1994 Reserves (Honorable Discharge) Canada GenuinelyDevious Pte, Infantry Royal Newfoundland Regiment 2008-2001 Medical (Honorable Discharge) |