Rules to follow while playing on the OUTLAW servers
Conduct & Gameplay
1.No conduct that constitutes cheating, hacking, or exploiting of game conditions for unintended advantage is permitted.
Players shall not pursue any means to alter the environment of the game in such a manner as to gain any advantage over other players, nor shall they transmit to the server or to any other player any deleterious request or command. Violators will be banned from the server on the first offense without warning.
2.No conduct that abuses other players or that is disruptive to the good operation of the server is permitted.
Players will maintain a civil atmosphere and shall refrain from abusing or harassing other players. Players shall refrain from using excessive harsh profanity or any form of racial or sexual slur. Players shall not interrupt the flow of the game with excessive arguments or any conduct that we determine to be disorderly.
3.Spamming chat (text or voice) is not permitted. Voice chat shall not be used for any purpose other than advancing game communication.
Music, sound files, and static shall not be broadcast. Players shall not transmit to the server or to other players any content that is lewd or pornographic. This includes player sprays, avatar images, or any other user-generated content.
4.All strategies and tactics are considered valid unless explicitly prohibited.
This includes “camping” and “base killing” and other lame kills. It is the responsibility of the player to adjust to unfavorable battle conditions rather than to appeal for intervention for things they consider “unfair.”
5.Cooperate with your teammates and respect less experienced players.
Work together to achieve the common game objectives and don’t give too much grief to the rookies; helping new players experience the game is essential to the future health of the community.
6.Follow the commands of our server operators.
Do not instigate conflict with our operators.
7.No recruitment or advertising is permitted.
Our servers are our exclusive domain for recruiting new members. No advertisement for outside clans or gaming organizations is permitted.
8.No impersonation of any person or false association is permitted.
Any person wearing a clan tag must be a member of that organization. No deception of affiliation or impersonation will be tolerated.
9.Any foreign language may be spoken in chat.
We do not have an “English only” rule on our servers.
10.Players must respond to operator requests in English.
Players who speak foreign languages must be able to understand these rules and communicate on demand with our server operators in English.
The OUTLAWS are a good natured fun loving bunch of folks. We hate to have to restrict or stifle someones imagination, but there are some people who push the limit. The general rule is, if it could offend a reasonable person, the screen name has got to change. Here are 5 commandments for screennames…
1. No profane names.
AS you should be well aware, we are not into the profanity thing, so any reference to a profane name won’t work. BSMaker FU Dude
2. Names that make sentences that are offensive.
Ihatewhites youeatshxx
3. Anything racial whatsoever.
A PuertoRican BlackMansRevenge
4. Religion and politics.
They aren’t good in saloon, they aren’t good here either. JesusSaves GeorgeBushSux IH8Democrats
5. Copying someone’s name.
Everyone has his/her own name. No need to copy the name and apply another color for instance to troll the other people on the server like that.
If a user at anytime becomes abusive, the User will be, at a minimum, temporarily banned and at the discretion of the MP’s and ADMINS, may be permanently banned by GUID. No in game type arguments, no profanity, no profane abbreviations, don’t turn a game into a chat room, be mature and respectful and follow our rules. If you have a problem in-game, notify an Admin or an MP on the forums or in the discord ticket support system for the event to be looked into.