Year 5 Season 3 ended with a shocking revelation, Rogue agent number one and sworn nemesis of The Division, Aaron Keener is alive. In her hunt for truth, Agent Kelso located him and decided to join forces with him.
The line between light and dark, agent and rogue, keeps blurring as we learned that Keener was working with Faye Lau to undermine the Black Tusk and neutralize the Hunter threat during the events of Warlords of New York.
Keener is coming to Washington, D.C. and he has sent us an invitation to parley, but first we will need to pass his twisted trials and prove our worth. An alliance with Keener and his Rogues could be the key to stopping Natalya Sokolova and the Black Tusk. But what will the cost be?
Can Keener be trusted? Is the enemy of our enemy truly our friend?